Friday, January 9, 2015

The Great Inscrutable, Untouched Satans

Amid the vast forest, we sometimes get so lost in looking at a tree here or a tree there, that we fail to grasp the grandeur -- or see the point.

We doubtlessly see the reality of Islamic terrorism in the West.  The examples are numerous, both of success and failure -- the first World Trade Center bombing, the USS Cole, the 9/11 attacks, subway threats, murders like those in France this week and in Australia recently, and ISIS beheadings; Lord only knows how many such incidents have been averted, by chance or by the billions in anti-terrorist defense we are forced to employ.

Each such incident draws our focus to the incident itself, though, and away from the "forest."  We look at the terrorists themselves, their names, their countries, their families.  Are they part of ISIS, or maybe Hamas or Al Qaeda?  And the deeper we try to get inside them, the further the media get away from the fundamental question.

If they're murdering people because they are not Muslim, then why aren't they killing people in China?  Why aren't the Chinese spending huge sums on defending their homeland against Muslim terrorists?  For that matter, why aren't the terrorists attacking or even threatening Latin America (mostly Catholic) or Japan (mostly Shinto practices) or many other nations where Islam is mostly absent and the population would therefore be considered "infidels"?

That's the forest question.  And here is the forest answer -- because they don't really fear the USA, and they're scared to death of the Chinese.  Doesn't that make a lot more sense?  The Chinese are just as much infidels as Americans are, a tad worse because there are about 2.1% Muslims in the USA, most of which presumably don't subscribe to terror, while only about 1.5% of the population in China is Muslim.

But there has not been a 9/11 in China, and don't expect one any time soon.  Because for all we spend to prevent terror attacks, and believe me, we're really good at preventing them, the terrorists do not fear retribution from us (and certainly not those manly French).  They can sit back and laugh as Obama tries to make nice with them, by leaking a stream of murderers from Guantanamo back to their homelands, and refusing to call anyone a "terrorist", and saying wonderful things about Islam.  They laugh, then they kill, because they know that we won't stop them as long as Obama is in charge, and Obama-lites like Hollande in France are out there as well.

Can you imagine what would happen if some terrorist set off a bomb in Shanghai or Beijing?  I guarantee you that half of Syria would be blown off the map.  The Chinese leaders wouldn't take a poll first to see what their people thought, because they don't care.  That's called generating fear, and that's why the "infidels" in China aren't getting bombed any time soon.

Evil is evil.  You cannot play nice-nice with these terrorists and their organizations, and if ever you wonder what we should do to stop them -- and we had the chance with ISIS -- then just ask yourself WWCD (what would China do), not so much as a reflection on China, but as a reflection of what the terrorists do and don't do, whom they attack and don't attack -- and why.

That's all you need to know.  Fear is a weapon, and if we don't use it, we lose.  And those inscrutable infidels in China are watching us, too.

Copyright 2015 by Robert Sutton    

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