Monday, July 4, 2016

4th of July

Dear Readers,

My best girl and I are celebrating the Fourth of July by recalling all the reasons we're proud to be American ...

- Proud that we are free, not proud of a government trying to take those freedoms from us.

- Proud of our Constitution, not proud of those ignoring it and end running it.

- Proud of the presidency, not proud of the president.

- Proud that we are a government of laws, not proud of many of the laws

- Proud that Americans do not need to hyphenate ourselves based on national origin, not proud of those who do it repeatedly or those who come here and do not assimilate.

- Proud of our flag, our country

- Proud of the brave men and women who volunteer to put on the uniform and take up arms to defend the things that make us who and what we are.  Thank you for your service.

Enjoy your day.  Back tomorrow.

Copyright 2016 by Robert Sutton
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