Monday, September 12, 2016

Deplorable Me

We're all pretty much of one mind or another regarding the contemptible swipe that Hillary "Glass Houses" Clinton took at the quarter of Americans who represent half of those intending to vote for Donald Trump on Election Day in November.

A small number of Americans, including Hillary's inner circle, actually believe that those planning to vote for Mr. Trump are motivated by racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and whatever else they conjure up in their ivory tower.  The anointed inner circle truly believe that those Americans constitute a "basket of deplorables" and are of no importance or relevance.  The rest of us dropped our jaws in shock and contempt.

We didn't drop our jaws so much in surprise that she said it; Hillary will say anything, truthful or not, to get elected.  Nor that she actually believed it; we know that. The shock was that, in the environment she said it, she was getting applause, the kind of applause and laughter you get when people who think they're better than the rest of us say what they actually believe.

It's the kind of thing you see when Nancy Pelosi says something and then stops and gives that wretched, know-it-all smile that says "You know what I mean, those sloppy people who aren't good enough to do anything but vote for me, yuk, keep them away from my country club."  Mrs. Pelosi is a good one for that.  As, of course, is Hillary.

So today I wondered where Hillary was going with the whole "basket of deplorables" comment.  Because, think about it, what good can come out of saying something like that?  How does vilifying people who are voting for your opponent make your candidacy better?  How does it get more people to vote for you?

How does it even make your pitch to be president anything other than an acidic whine?

She will be allowed to get away with it, because the press are passionately committed, for reasons we cannot fathom, to getting Hillary elected.  Most of the press will faithfully carry the post-gaffe spin that her spin doctors come up with for what she was really supposed to have meant, although it was an explicit enough statement to have been clear in its meaning.

And it was clearly stupid enough, and un-misinterpretable enough, to where she was forced to issue what was supposed to pass for an apology (she "regrets" saying "half"), where she never says "sorry."

So I guess that it is time for me to step up an count myself in the "basket of deplorables" and let you know that I am going to vote for her opponent.  Not that there was ever any question, mind you, but that comment, that speech and that non-apology thereafter completely tells us all we need to know about Hillary Clinton, who wants so desperately to be president.

She has such utter contempt for such a large part of the population she would lead, that our voices would not be heard, our desires not represented, our needs never fulfilled, our freedoms never respected in a Hillary administration.

She does not respect the people who are not as good as she, and yet she wants to lead us.  This statement tells us that we could expect to be run by a close cadre of unelected, trusted associates, in the same kind of bubble that the current, disastrous administration has encapsulated itself in.  Voices of disagreement, voices of sanity, voices of reason, none would be welcome because none are respected.

We who are in the "basket of deplorables" reside there not out of bigotry but because we have grown weary and contemptuous of a Federal government that appears to exist for its own perpetuation rather than for the service of the country.  We decry a Federal government that has seized control of functions such as education that are Constitutionally the province of the states.  We decry a Federal government that spends more than it takes in, and seeks ever more taxes from its citizens to pay for its extravagance.

And we are contemptuous of a Federal government $20 trillion in debt and showing no interest in cutting wasteful and unconstitutional spending to pay it off, as we all in our households must.

Hillary will never get that.  The speech this past week demonstrates that in spades.

This, friends, is why she must never be president.

Copyright 2016 by Robert Sutton
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