Thursday, October 27, 2016

Germany's Immigrant Lesson to US

I was reading a day or two back that a Syrian "refugee" (we do not know; if the USA cannot vet these people to determine if they're actually refugees, I"m pretty sure the Germans can't do much better) had immigrated to Germany.

The Syrian man, who is 49, he says (can't verify that either), is now living in a city in Germany, happily out of the line of fire in his home (we assume) country and possibly learning German, the language of the place he lives in, although we tend to doubt that.

More important, at least for the Germans, are three numbers.

Four.  Twenty-three.  Three hundred ninety-two thousand.  And you aren't going to guess what those refer to, although you could try and maybe get lucky and nail one of them.

The Syrian man came with his wives.  Not "wife", but wives.  All four of them.  The German taxpayers are now not only on the hook for the man, but four wives, in a country that does not allow polygamy.  The man was kind enough to recognize only one of them "officially."  But he is Muslim, and Muslim law, which he would, we assume, like to apply to Germany and the rest of earth, allows four, as long as you can provide for them.

His four wives, it can be added, were nothing if not fertile.  I have no problem whatsoever with people having as many children as they can afford, so fertility is a perfectly fine thing.  Certainly, fertility was a fine thing in this man's family, since across the four wives they produced 23 children (the second number, if you're following the theme), all of whom are now living in one of the four homes paid for by the German taxpayer.

And that, friends, gets us to the last number and perhaps the most relevant for the USA as they go to the polls in a couple weeks.  This multiple family which, whatever their motivation, is now living in Germany, is providing a net draw on the German government -- not just the overall economy but the taxpayers' contributions.

That "draw" is the cost of the government providing housing and living expenses for 28 people who simply showed up on their border and were welcomed in because it's what liberals do, without any thought about where the money is coming from.  And that cost, the amount the German taxpayer will pay because Germany doesn't want to have borders, is $392,000 per year for this man, his wives and all his children. 

That, dear readers, is one family.  One of the daughters has married and moved to Saudi Arabia, so it is down to 27 people draining the German taxpayer wallet, but you get the idea.

So ... Hillary Clinton wants us to take in, sight unseen and without the capacity to identify them, more than five times as many people claiming to be Syrian "refugees" as we are now.  She talks not about the actual reason for wanting that, which is the assumption that they'll vote for Democrats, but how we're supposed to be this welcoming-to-everyone society.

At the same time, we are $20 trillion in debt, we owe it to creditors who hate us, like China, and we're not coming close to paying the principal as we scramble to pay just the interest.  You can do the math.  Given the numbers she's talking about, we're supposed to be adding close to $1 billion in additional taxpayer funding to bring people over whom we then have to feed, clothe and house with money we need to borrow from China to get.

So I ask a simple question: If we have to borrow money from China to pay for these people's well-being, why aren't the people simply sent to China to live?

Makes sense to me.  Voting for Hillary certainly does not.

Copyright 2016 by Robert Sutton
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