Monday, March 8, 2021

Visiting Column #62 -- Let Joe Talk, It Can't Hurt

Sorry it's been a while since the last column, but it's been a challenge to identify the stupidest, most hypocritical actions and statements by the left to pick one to expound on.  Suffice it to say that at this point, any concerns I have about my own life are alleviated when I realize that there are people out there concerned about the gender of a plastic potato.

So ... Joe Biden.

There is a bit of "emperor's new clothes" about this.  The con-man magicians are spinning a mystical tale about how this geriatric old fellow, whom we can see no longer can make coherent sentences reliably, is actually the president of the United States, and that he is making decisions behind the curtain and knows what he's doing.

We in the sane half of the country, of course, can see right through the nonsense and realize that the emperor is naked, or at least understand the fiction that Biden knows what he is doing when he signs anything.

So a lot of people were a bit surprised when on two different occasions in the past week, at the end of a short video-cast statement from the White House, Biden stumbled around verbally and said he'd take questions if he was "supposed to", as if someone else makes the rules (hint: his predecessor made the rules).  You could almost anticipate someone yelling "Cut the feed!", and we all saw the video screen changing to a "Thank you for watching" frame.

So clearly the puppet masters running things in the White House these days did not want the guy who is supposed to be the president of the United States taking questions.

But I'd be like, "Let him take questions, who cares?".

If that sounds insane, think about it.  Joe Biden essentially never campaigned.  he stayed in his basement, came out for a couple of debates where he mostly staggered through them, and then was declared to have gotten more votes than Donald Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada, an amazing thing, given the effort that had to go into printing up all those curious absentee ballots that made it through the mails both ways with no creases and with machine-filled ovals.

He got sworn in, so I guess he is the president.  We'll let that slide.

All that happened, and not a single court has chosen to assign standing to anyone filing a challenge to any state to actually see evidence to the contrary, evidence of voting fraud.  The left won.

And if they won that, they can win anything.  So what is the harm in letting Uncle Joe take some questions?  They should be thinking about the worst thing that can happen, which aside from vomiting or passing out, would be saying something stupid, you know, like "I actually did grope that teenager."

Because, then would would happen?  Nothing!

Why?  Well, a few things.  First, the press is so far in the bag for Biden that even the worst thing he would say would be missing entirely from all the major networks' evening news except for maybe Fox, missing from CNN, missing from NBC, and on page 1,442 of the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Chicago Whatever-they-print-there.

The press has zero to gain by embarrassing Biden, and there is simply no accountability or consequence for their ignoring what he said, however much it would suggest that he not be in the right job, or the right residence, or his right mind.  They can simply devote their front pages to more important topics, like what guy just broke the ladies' 100 freestyle record, or the gender of plastic potatoes.

The other thing is that the 2020 election literally showed that there is no downside to massive, multi-theater election fraud.  The left now controls the ballot box in much of the country, and as Josef Stalin said so accurately, "It's not who votes, but who counts the votes." Well, he said it in Russian, but you get the drift.

So if it really doesn't matter what Biden does in the course of a "press conference", or whatever rigid structure they'd come up with, then why worry?  He can do the whole thing in Pig Latin, and it still won't make the Evening News.  He can toss lunch on his script, and it wont affect the outcome of a single election next year, because of who is counting the ballots.

Just let him answer a few questions!  He won't even be held responsible for anything he says, even if it contradicts something he said five minutes earlier.  There is no one to hold him accountable.  Those who get their news from the leftist mainstream media won't even know it happened, because they won't be told.

They'll eventually assume it was a made-up story when they finally hear about it, and will discard it as Joe being Joe, and when the next year's elections come up, they'll forget about plastic potato genders and the dissolution of women's sports, and the voting fraud they've been told never happened, and vote for Democrats all over.  

And no, there won't be enough of those votes, but there will be more than enough machine-printed, deceased-voter and illegal-alien ballots to ensure they hold power.

Because, oh yeah, it is all about power.  So let Joe answer.  It won't make a difference.

Copyright 2021 by Robert Sutton
Like what you read here? There are over 1,000 posts from Bob at, and after four years of writing a new one daily, he still posts thoughts once in a while as "visiting columns", no longer the "prolific essayist" he was through 2018, but still around. Appearance, advertising, sponsorship and interview inquiries cheerfully welcomed at or on Twitter at @rmosutton

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