Friday, November 21, 2014

Counting Grubers, One, Two, Three ...

OK, so you can tell that this whole Jonathan Gruber thing is ticking me off to no end.  I think actually my biggest fear is that this business of an academic type from my own alma mater getting $400,000 from us, the taxpayers, to deceive the Congressional Budget Office on how economically bad Obamacare is, will soon be forgotten.

That, of course, is my biggest fear, but it is not the only one.  I'm actually almost as afraid that there are lots of little Grubers running around the White House and the executive-branch departments like HHS, Justice and State, each of which paid Gruber for consulting on Heaven knows what.  I'm afraid that they are being paid hundreds of thousands of your and my tax dollars to "advise" this Administration on how to deceive us stupid taxpayers and voters, on other issues.

It is certainly pretty frustrating when you think about it.  Consider, for example, that someone has to be being paid to tell the president how badly the globe is supposedly warming, and that it is our fault, and what kind of taxes can be applied to make it seem like we're controlling it, even though that's all about getting more money into Washington (strangely, no one is telling the president that nuclear power would go a long way to reduce emissions).

Someone has to be being paid to tell the president what the constitutional grounds are for being able to grant blanket amnesty to millions of illegals so they can go vote for Democrats -- also illegally, but that has never stopped anyone (coughChicagocough).

Someone has to be being paid to create the schemes by which the IRS can target groups for delayed approval of tax-exempt status when they apply for it.  Someone has to advise them on making emails go away -- and creating excuses for it having happened.

Jonathan Gruber's ego was far too big to prevent him from spilling the beans on what a contemptible fraud Obamacare was and its proponents were.  But that's just one guy with a big mouth.  How many Grubers there must be on the taxpayers' nickel these days!  How many such "someones" are being paid, using money we borrow from China?

Meredith Willson's song from "The Music Man" beautifully encapsulates what we need to say, over and over, to this band of overpaid consulting corrupters of our republic.

"Goodnight, my someone, goodnight."

Copyright 2014 by Robert Sutton

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