Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Nixon in a Pants Suit

So we'll now have weeks upon weeks of spitting in the media in regard to Emailgate and whether this botched foreign affair has any emails from the secretary of state, or that botched foreign affair has any emails from the secretary of state, etc.

The secretary of state in question, of course, is Hillary Clinton, who desperately wants to be president, possibly to show she could do the job better than her philandering husband.

But if we were to separate out the content of the missing emails and the foreign issues, affairs and even the mundane correspondence still publicly undescribed, we are still left with the remaining issue which the former first lady will have to deal with, namely, what kind of president would she be?

Let's see ... fastidiously private, controlling, wanting to ensure that only what she wants seen will be seen ... yeah, sounds a lot like a female version of the guy that Democrats have been holding up as a paragon of secrecy and deception for 40 years -- guy by the name of Nixon.

I don't even care what was in the emails left over after she turned over 50,000 carefully-selected-to-have-nothing-in-them messages.

What I care about is that by owning the server on which they were stored, it was Hillary Clinton, not the Federal Government, not the Department of State, not State's Inspector General and not even the Justice Department, who decided which emails were to be turned over.

What I care about is that she anticipated the need to protect her own communication from the public by setting the server up the day her confirmation hearings started.

What I care about is that she anticipated the need to protect herself from an investigation of her record as secretary of state, and got away with it until now (and may still).

What I care about is that even the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the USA, knew about all that from way back, but was clearly too scared of the Clintons to make an issue of her private server in public -- or probably in private either.

All you with your Hillary '16 bumper stickers, please think about the things you disliked about Richard Nixon many years ago.  Try, please, to explain to me how what Mrs. Clinton did, proactively to prevent anyone knowing what she was doing before even doing it, is not even worse than Mr. Nixon's covering up misdeeds of his associates after the fact.

She knew she would be doing things for which she wanted to protect the information trail.  With a press salivating over the possibility of a female president, and the armor that the Clintons carry, she really thought no one would be able to launch a successful challenge to her obsessive secrecy and likely felonious handling of Government data.

Oh, the press will still slavishly protect her, same as they do for the first black president.  But they're going to have trouble kicking Nixon around anymore, because they'd now be backing a pants suit version of the guy they kicked around in 1973.

Rose Mary Woods would be proud.

Copyright 2015 by Robert Sutton

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