Monday, March 2, 2015

Subjugation Without the Puffy Panda

In case you hadn't seen anything on this story, our friends in ISIS this week destroyed statues in the city of Mosul, Iraq.  They included ancient Assyrian and Akkadian artifacts from as far back as the 7th Century B.C.; according to the article referenced, the wonderful people from ISIS condemned the artifacts, since they were "worshiped instead of Allah."  Of course, Mohammed didn't get born for another thousand years, but what the heck.

As one of the brain surgeons noted while pickaxing away, "We were ordered by our prophet to take down idols and destroy them, and the companions of the prophet did this after this time, when they conquered countries ..."  Well, OK.

So while ISIS and its buddies are busy destroying the present, they feel the need to destroy the past at the same time, because "their prophet told them" to do that.  I don't know if they got a Tweet from Mohammed -- ISIS may hate the trappings of 21st Century society, but they sure can fight a mean Twitter war -- but one way or the other, they are hearing messages the rest of us just aren't.

Where does it end?  They destroy the past, they destroy the present.  Ultimately in the goal they seem to want to achieve, which is some kind of "universal caliphate", they will simply destroy the human spirit and pound it into the subjugation of believers and murder of all non-believers.

In other words, they are North Korea, without the puffy little panda with the bad haircut in charge.  At least we call the North Korean government what it is.

In the name of eradicating the progress of centuries of science, art and human development, they have made themselves a danger requiring us to evaluate our own approach to living on one Earth.  We as civilized humans need to make the decision to wipe out this cancer on humanity, because it knows no governance outside radicalized Islam.

We obviously can do it, and had we a president with a shred of capacity to lead, we would have already marshaled the world leadership necessary to do so -- and done it.  We would have done it already, had we had a United Nations with the ability to do anything other than bash the USA on a regular schedule.  We would have done it already, had there been a Muslim leader willing to stand up and decry ISIS -- but the silence there is simply deafening (save the vox clamantis in deserto of Yasir Qadhi).

Our timing here in the USA is just terrible this time.  Every thirty years or so we have to elect a lefty just to remind ourselves how incompetent the left is at leadership.  We just happened to have done it this time when an inordinate threat to humanity rose, needing strength and leadership to combat it -- except, oops, there's Barack Obama in the White House.

Welcome to the 7th Century.  To you, the 65,915,796 who voted for Obama, you have only yourselves to blame.

Copyright 2015 by Robert Sutton

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