Monday, November 23, 2015

But Why DON'T We Know What Obama is Thinking?

 I think we pretty much all are aghast at the President of the United States right now.  Even on the heels of ISIS murdering dozens of innocents in Paris and causing Brussels to shut down, Barack Obama wants to bring at least 10,000 Syrian refugees to resettle in the United States, as in here, next to you and me (not him).

That's also in light of the fact that at least some of those ISIS murderers came into Europe pretending to be Syrian refugees.  And that the population of alleged "Syrian refugees" coming into Europe somehow defies demographic realities, being well over 70% young males of, let's say, military age.  And that they don't speak English but Obama thinks it a good idea to put them in an English-speaking country.  And that the USA is not at all a culturally similar place to Syria (even if that's where some of them turned out to have come from).  Or that the Saudi rulers, whose population does speak the same language and religion, are letting in exactly none of them -- as if, you know, they know something we don't.

Let me cut myself short -- it's a stupid idea.  We all know that.

Here's what I actually don't know, and that's beyond the easy question of why he is doing it in the first place.  I don't know why we do not know his motivation.  Whatever the motivation is, and I confess to having no clue and assuming it is just something terribly political, why is he not sharing it with the American people?

Look at it this way: from the perspective of the average American, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or atheist, ISIS is beyond being just a terrorist threat.  They are going to do something terrible here in our country.  We all know that.  So why is our esteemed president not going to the people to make his case as to why he is doing something that so clearly flies in the face of logic -- you don't invite murderers into your country.

His passion, such as it is, appears to be far, far from protecting the citizens of the USA and our Constitution -- the one he swore twice to uphold.  It appears, when it does, merely to be used to attack Republicans when they reasonably question his intentions in inviting murderers to come on over to our country and, by the way, go immediately on the taxpayers' nickel.  Nickels which, it needs to be said, we will borrow from China to turn around and give, obligation-free, to a bunch of people who really don't want to be here, and others, interspersed amongst the innocent, who are laughing at our willingness to borrow money from our "other" enemy to bring them over to commit acts of terror and insanity right here.

Tell us, Mr. President.  Tell us why you want to do this.  Don't give us that crap about how we're such a warm and welcoming country -- we know that.  Within the context of immigration law, we will bring in the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, all that.  But only the ones yearning to breathe free.  Not the ones yearning to breathe fire and rain it down on us -- and if you, Mr. President, and the FBI and the border-protection people can't tell the difference, then for the love of God, err on the side of the protection of the American people.

Let the Saudis have them.  But please, trust our intelligence, Barack Obama, and explain to us what you are thinking.  Tell us why, when your sworn duty is to protect us, you readily bring over, on the taxpayers' debt log, people who include among them those with an equally sworn duty to kill as many of us as they can before they do their 72 virgins thingly (musing ... what did ISIS tell the "cowgirl" in Paris who used to do bathtub selfies and blew herself up last week, about what was waiting for her while the guys were getting the 72 virgins?  Don't you want to know too?  I do). 

I don't just want to know why he's doing it.  I want to know why he isn't explaining it to you and me.

Copyright 2015 by Robert Sutton
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