Friday, November 4, 2016

Trump Be a Lady Tonight

For the 466th time, at least that I'm aware of, Barack Obama made a blithering idiot out of himself by something he said.  This one was the part of a campaign speech he made this week to "guys" telling us that maybe the reason we weren't tripping over ourselves to get to the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton was that she was a female.

And, by the way, that her setting up of a private server and conducting all her official electronic communications on it was, in his words, "an honest mistake", as if you can use "Hillary" and "honest" in the same sentence without a "not" or "never" to qualify it.  Obama must really be enjoying having to defend that.  But he brought that part on himself.

So let's get back to the "female" thing.

Mr. Obama does not seem to have the greatest grasp of history, and not for the first time.  I remember, for example, 2007-08 and the Democrats' presidential campaign.  I confess to not remembering every word of Barack Obama's primary campaign speeches, but I'm pretty darn sure that he never once said something like "I think I'm going to drop out of the race, since my opponent is a female and we have to have one of those."

I'm not sure of Hillary Clinton's grasp of history either.

After all, I believe she is the one who has been advocating for transgender bathrooms and the like, and how gender is an optional thing, so fluid that you can select it based on how you feel that day.  Sort of like race, you know, in the whole Rachel Dolezal model.

So if gender is such a fluid thing, and people who are utterly born with the parts of one gender and the chromosomes of that same gender, can decide one morning that they are actually of the other gender, then gender can't really be all that important, can it?

And if it isn't that important, then I think it is perfectly reasonable that she stop playing the woman card, and stop claiming that her being female is of any relevance whatsoever, since tomorrow Donald Trump could decide that he, too, is female, and neutralize the gender argument once and for all.  If anyone else can actually do that and Hillary is fine with it, then why can't Trump do the same?

Obviously the point is that gender doesn't matter in a presidential campaign, and is 47th down the list, far down from competence, belief in American values and ability to tell the truth at least once a day.

And that's the truth.

Copyright 2016 by Robert Sutton
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