Thursday, September 20, 2018

Heading Back Home

The floodwaters are all over the place, some receding and some increasing, but this morning (Thursday) we are heading home on the long drive from evacuation exile.

We have been able to stay 400 miles away through the kindness of a friend of our son, who allowed us to stay in his house for ten days while he was away, and that is a blessing compared to those who did not have relatives or friends to host them, and had to spend large sums on hotels with inflated prices, or ended up in temporary shelters.

Count us lucky.  We know that our house is intact, as friends who could return have taken pictures and sent them.  We know that little if any actual damage was sustained, and our losses will end up being predominantly from the loss of power to freezers and refrigerators.  That can be replaced.  People cannot.

To all those who prayed for the displaced from Hurricane Florence; to all those who braved the risks to return and start moving trees from roads and protecting people and property from subsequent injury and damage; to all those already actively arranging for recovery for their neighbors -- you are good people and we are grateful, even those of us spared the brunt of the actual damage.

The Lord watched over us and we are grateful to Him above all for keeping us safe and giving us a place to be.  May He watch over our return and bring us safely back today.


Copyright 2018 by Robert Sutton
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