Friday, May 31, 2024

The Democrats and the Piggy Bank

Funny thing about piggy banks.  We've all had one in our remote youth, or at the very least we know exactly what they are.  They are ceramic pigs with a slot in the top through which a child can drop a coin.  The idea, of course, is that children will learn to save, rather than running around spending their change on candy.

But it isn't really the "saving" part of it that is relevant.  It is that the ancient versions of the piggy bank did not have a hole at the bottom through which the child could remove the cover and retrieve its "savings."  There was one way to get the coins, and that was to hit the pig with a hammer until it broke, and then pick up the treasure among the ceramic dust and shards.

Back in the day, that was the lesson -- that savings wasn't just a wallet; it was money you literally had to break the bank to get access to.  It was "put away" for a reason. Since you had to break something permanently to get at the money, you had to be really sure you needed it -- not just want, but need.

So Democrats.

Only the fools and self-deluded TDS types believed that there was an actual case to be made against former President Trump in the recently-concluded show trial in New York on the accusation of him having ... well, even after the verdict, no one really knows what he was charged with.

But the Democrats, from whoever tells Joe Biden what to do and say, all the way down to a corrupt prosecutor and corrupt, conflicted "judge" in New York, had to make a calculation.  They are the core of the Deep State, and there is no threat to the Deep State any bigger than Donald J. Trump.  In their eyes, he had to be gotten rid of one way or the other.

The question, of course, is what they were willing to do in order to make that happen.  And here is where the piggy bank analogy comes into play.

The essence of the piggy bank is the act of destroying it permanently to get what you want. Are you, the child, willing to kill the bank permanently to get what you want, or does the impermanence of the pretty pink pig encourage you not to take drastic steps.

The actions of the child are easily explicable -- if you haven't read this marvelous piece (, you'll realize that children have no capacity to see the consequences of their actions past the next hour and a half.

The Democrats are acting like children, and not in the good way.

But it is how they always act.  Do they care about the impact on the country or the economy of letting 15 million totally unvetted illegal immigrants into the USA?  No, of course not -- to them, the immediacy of millions of illegal voters mostly, in their eyes, voting Democrat is the same as the coins in the piggy bank.  Sure, break the nation into shards, as long as they can grab and hold power.

Worse ... do they care about the destruction of the American legal system as long as they "get" Trump in 2024?  Of course not; there is no bigger threat to their institutional choke-hold, and it's worth it to set insanely contemptible legal precedents to do so.  Those legal precedents could be turned around in Republican states and used against the criminal Hillary Clintons and Joe Bidens of the world, but they are but sacrificial lambs if it happens, and besides, the Democrats assume that Republicans would never do such a thing.

Was I overboard in claiming that the Trump prosecution risks the destruction of the American legal system?  Of course not.  

Think about it ... the judge in that case committed a textbook worth of reversible errors.  In a neutral state, the judgment would be thrown out on its ear in five minutes, and he would be disrobed, disbarred, and never allowed near a courtroom again. But he knew there would be no consequences, so he just barred defense witnesses, gag-ordered the defendant, sustained every prosecution objection while overruling every defense objection, all while his daughter raked in millions in consulting fees to politicians trying to destroy Trump.  Conflicted?  Naahhhh.

The judge, like the Democrats, did not care about the long-term consequences of his actions, partly because he knew that in New York there wouldn't be any to him, but more because the importance of the moment -- "getting" Trump -- outweighed any damage to the institution of American jurisprudence.

The Democrats are exactly the same.  A piggy bank is of no permanence to them; the "now" is the thing and their future is controllable if only they can overwhelm the electoral system with illegal voters, xerox-copied votes, corrupt counters, and anything else to ensure their long-term stranglehold on power.

The November election is incredibly crucial.  And you can bet your piggy bank on it.

Copyright 2024 by Robert Sutton.  Like what you read here? There are over 1,000 posts from Bob at and, after four years of writing a new one daily, he still posts thoughts once in a while as "visiting columns", no longer the "prolific essayist" he was through 2018, but still around. Appearance, advertising, sponsorship and interview inquiries cheerfully welcomed at or on Twitter at @rmosutton

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